Monday, January 04, 2010


Wow another new year! I have decided that this year I am not going to look back at the old year. I'd rather not thankyouverymuch.

I will however look forward to the new year. I look forward to going back to work, I look forward to more fun with the kiddos, I look forward to more work with the PTO and or course more knitting.

So far the knitting plan for 2010 is:
A log cabin blanket for my Dad. I have this started already
Socks for Lt Col. I have not made him socks yet and he deserves some. I have these otn now as well. I'm using the Dream in Color Chinatown Apple yarn for these.

Socks for Mil. Something machine washable
Socks for GAL, and Hubby
A Baby sweater or 2 for my cousin m3. I have one knit. I love it so much I want to knit the same sweater in 2 larger sizes.
Sweater for me. I am thinking of a red Zimmerman system pullover.
Hats: I have 3 colorwork hats I want to knit up. All of my own design

Not a ton really. But you know me. I will add many things to this list over the next 51 weeks or so. I have yarn in stash for all of these projects. Wonder what new yarns will come my way in 2010.?

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