Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stash Addition

No I didn't go buy any yarn, I did win some however on one of my new favorite blogs, The Mobtown Review. Each week she posts yarn from new indie hand dyers and we all get to leave comments. I have seen some really pretty yarn there so far. I hope to submit some myself soon. If you like to look at(drool over) pretty yarn check this blog out. ooo did I tell you the part where there are 3 winners each week? Yeah! new yarns every Wednesday.

So on to the yarn: From Woolbearers
1 Hank of Superwash Sock Yarn, Color: Don't Leave. Feels really nice. the color in the photo is pretty good. I love it. It is a different colorway for me. I always go for red or earthy colors but this is just gorgeous. I can't wait to knit it up. Myra and Suzie do beautiful work. Go check them out. Thank You ladies. It is lovely and when I get around to knitting it up I'll send you a photo.

In knitting news. I am working in the gift knitting along with Cobblestone. I really need to get going on that so it is done in time. Don't want to leave the only sweater I'm knitting for Christmas undone.
I have my last SP11 box almost ready to send out. I am just waiting for something to dry before I can pack it up and ship it. It took 2 weeks to get to her last time so I want to get it off in the next week or so.

From the dyepot. I took a hank of Lime green Koigu out of the stash today and threw it in the dye pot. I love the new color so much more than the lime green. Pictures when it is dry.

Oh yeah, MG had her friend sleep over and stay all day today. It was a loooooong day in which I got nothing constructive done.Poor MB. He had 2 sisters for the day. They would call him in to play and then yell for him to leave. Monster Friend does not have a little brother so she had to tell me everything he did. She just doesn't understand about little brothers. I tried to tell her that it was MB's birthright to give his big sis a hard time. Thats what little brothers do right? They both pouted when it was time for Monster Friend to go home. There were repeated asking of " Can she sleep over tomorrow night too?"
"Not this weekend Honey." I reply in a tired voice
"Next Weekend?" She is jumping up and down
"We will see little one, she just left." I say in my nicest Mommy voice. She stops jumping, folds puts her hands on her hips and says
"You mean she never gets to to sleep over again!!??!!"
Pass the Advil.

eta:blogger is doing something to my post so it all runs together. sorry

1 comment:

Cloudberry said...

Lucky you!!
Beautiful colours :)

Have a great weekend!!