Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Job New Socks

I started a new pair of socks.Yarn is my BoboSocks in the VooDoo Child colorway. Rockin!
As for my new job, I love it. There is a bit of added stress of having the owner here and getting the place open but as of today we are open. I happen to have today off but will be there most of the rest of the week. The people are a lot of fun and the place looks great. Time to sell some glasses! I am excited to go to work. Gotta love that.
The kids are adjusting. They start afterschool program next week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home at last!

So after 2 long weeks of training in sunny Modesto California I am home. I will be working for Stanton Optical. We open here in Omaha in about a week or so. I will be working with the Doctor and selling glasses and contacts again. The people I will be working with are great and I think it could be a lot of fun. The store is still being built but they're really close. I'll let you know when we open.

California was sunny and beautiful all but one day. On the day in question people freaked out over a little rain (2" over the course of a whole day) and 30 mph winds. Here in the Midwest we laugh at weather like that. People were amazed. They were shocked to learn that there was snow where I was from that week. I was rather pleased to come home to find sunny warm weather had returned to the Midwest. Theres no place like home.

I did have a great day off with my new GM Stacy. We went to San Fransisco for a day of shopping in Chinatown. And lunch and more shopping on Fisherman's Wharf. My budget was tight so I did not look for yarn. I knew I would just long for yarns I can't really afford right now. However it was a great day. I love the feel of a big city. We saw cool local artist and old white guys breakdancing. We also got to see the invasion of the sea lions at pier 39. There were so many, the picture only shows about a quarter of them. This is becoming a problem for the boats in the bay. Many boat docks had a random sea lion just hanging out there. Makes me wonder what happened to their home.

I didn't have tons of knitting time, but I did finish Hubbys birthday socks.

Friday, October 02, 2009

off to Cali

So I got this new job and they are sending me to California for 2 weeks of training. I leave on a 6:00 am flight Monday morning. I just found out about this yesterday. I have a ton of things to take care of before I go. What knitting should I take? I'll be back home on the 18th. See you then!