Friday, March 26, 2010


With the kids out of school this week I have not gotten much knitting done. I have also been busy with a lighting design for a new show at the Shelterbelt. This is my first design in about 4 years so I am enjoying it. I always love getting back to production work. It charges my creative batteries in a way nothing else does. Light is not an easy medium for an artist to work in. For one thing you need a space and lights and something to light. So I rarely pass up the chance. This show is NOT for the kiddies. I told the gals at knitnight they were welcome to come see it, However I also warned them: Hubby stars, and well I will just say that if you do see the show you will see all of him. (yes I mean all of him) so fair warning.

Now I am going to take the kids to the park and enjoy the sunshine. I hear we are going to get rain this weekend. Joy!

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