Friday, January 15, 2010


The pictures coming out are just so sad. I hope that Haiti can recover. I just want to say that those who are using this tragedy to criticize out president are just plain scummy. If folks like Rush would read the history of Haiti they would see why we must help they now and why Europe must as well( I know Europe is helping, just saying). Have you been watching Yarn Harlot's Doctors without Boarders donations tally? Holy yarn money Batman!(647,000 is the last number I saw)
We are a great bunch aren't we? The press likes to talk about teachable moments. Its something I do with my kids. This earthquake has been a teachable moment here at the funhouse. Kids have lots of questions and I try to give the best answers I can. I am thankful to see that I can show them that we are doing our best as a country, a whole world really to help these people. Gives me hope for the future of the planet. Bunky is worried about the pets and Bobo wants to send toys because the kids there have none. I am one proud Mom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should be a VERY proud Mom!