Sunday, September 23, 2007

Notes on life

I realized the other day that the babysitter spends more time with Monster boy than I do. He would eat things for her that he won't touch for me...he even quotes her rules at our dinner table. don't get me wrong I'm all for "no elbows on the table" but I want to teach him that stuff... Also Monster Girl wants to take dance lessons and I can't get her there because of work. I need more time with them...
So what to do about this? Well I've talked it over with Hubby and I think I might quit my job. I know there are ways to make money from home and we would save a huge amount of cash just by not paying the babysitter. I would also have to quit smoking and drink less Mountain Dew(both things I need to do anyway and do more of at work than at home) Plus all the $$ I'll save on gas. We could get rid of the second car(hubby drives a company truck) We would eat out less because I would be home to get dinner ready before 7:30 pm.
It is sort of scary to think about at first but it really seems to make the most sense. I could walk MG to and from school everyday and be here when the kids need me. I could get them to dance lessons and keep up with the house work.
I have already applied for a few work from home type jobs. We would have to tighten the belt a little but I think we could do it. The key is making $$ from home. I am thinking of selling some of my hand dyed yarns on Esty as well as the other work.

I just keep thinking this is the only chance I have to raise my kids and I can't really do that very well from my office. I do like my job most days (although the BS factor has gotten pretty high) But I love my kids and really need to be a good Mom. Hubby thinks if I can bring in some money I should do it. Mom is behind me too. What to do? What to do? I am pretty sure they will try to talk me out of it but I am not sure I care. This is my shot to do right for my kids. I really don't think they will be able to talk me out of it.


Beth said...

You say you need to "be a good mom", you're already a good mom! I've been told time and time again on mothering "you don't need to be perfect, just good enough". (BTW - I'd buy some of your hand-dyed yarn!)

Laurie said...

I can see both sides of the issue (comes with being a Libra I guess). Belt tightening can be a good thing--it makes you see the importance in what you have, want, and need. Go with what your "gut" is telling you. If you don't feel good about what is happening in your family's life right now, change it. Children do indeed grow up quite fast. My daughter turns 27 this fall and it seems like only a few years ago she was "in the single digits".